0.7.0 Beta =v0.7.0 beta= * Added first implementation of localisation support - different languages can be chosen by selecting one of the relevant flag icons at the bottom of the main program window. It is highly experimental and it is not recommended to upgrade to version 0.7.0 unless you plan to beta test localised text. Localised text is stored in the Locale subdirectory (English.txt, French.txt, Italian.txt, etc). Text may not be perfect and some text may still be in English even when a different language is selected. Please contact logan@playwrite-blog.net regarding corrections * Powers and classes created in one localisation are not compatible with other localisations * Language data is now stored in power and class XML * Powers and classes with custom data (power sources, effect types, etc) will now load correctly * Updated PDFsharp to v1.31 =v0.6.0 beta= * Powers can now be uploaded to dnd.playwrite-blog.net * Removed the minimum size limits for the Power Creator and Class Creator windows * Included and custom power card templates will now show secondary and tertiary attacks =v0.5.4 beta= * The "Racial" option in the power type dropdown of the Power Creator now displays the correct output * Default filenames will now be stripped of HTML tags =v0.5.3 beta= * At-Will, Encounter and Daily powers at levels 2, 6, 10, 16 and 22 are now grouped together as Utility powers when exported as HTML in the Class Creator * The Power Creator will no longer obscure controls when resized * Powers can once again have ranges without attack subtypes * Added Beast as an attack subtype * Racial powers now read as "Racial Power" instead of just "Racial" * Added No Action as an action type =v0.5.2 beta= * Added Daggers, Tomes and Totems to possible implements * Fixed a crash with PDF exporting =v0.5.1 beta= * Changed the width of powers to 3.25in (~298px) to match the size of the PHB format * Class Creator export dialog now provides a default filename =v0.5 Beta= * Added class upload. Visit dnd.playwrite-blog.net for more details or try out the feature in the Class Creator * Added class feature support * 4EC and 4EP files can now be opened directly by double-clicking on them * Increased the size of the class modifier dialog * A few miscellaneous tweaks to various dialogs * Cancelling a Save dialog for the Class and Power Creator will no longer save a file to the application directory * "Feat" is now available as a power type * Switched order of "Keywords" and "Action" modules in Power Creator * Fixed issues with newlines not being correctly converted and displayed in HTML and XML * Class Creator and Power Creator windows now resize their controls in a more useful fashion * Added new version update window with changelog * Corrected version typo in changelog * Merged EXE and DLLs into single file with ILMerge * Added DotNetZip v1.8 (dotnetzip.codeplex.com)